Stream for payments
In this example we will listen for received payments for an account.
// Create two accounts, so that we can send a payment.
KeyPair keyPairA = KeyPair.random();
KeyPair keyPairB = KeyPair.random();
String accountBId = keyPairB.accountId;
String accountAId = keyPairA.accountId;
await FriendBot.fundTestAccount(accountAId);
await FriendBot.fundTestAccount(accountBId);
// Load current data of account B.
AccountResponse accountB = await sdk.accounts.account(accountBId);
// Subscribe to listen for payments for account A.
// If we set the cursor to "now" it will not receive old events such as the create account operation.
StreamSubscription subscription = sdk.payments.forAccount(accountAId).cursor("now").stream().listen((response) {
if (response is PaymentOperationResponse) {
switch (response.assetType) {
case Asset.TYPE_NATIVE:
print("Payment of ${response.amount} XLM from ${response.sourceAccount} received.");
print("Payment of ${response.amount} ${response.assetCode} from ${response.sourceAccount} received.");
// Send 10 XLM from account B to account A.
Transaction transaction = new TransactionBuilder(accountB)
.addOperation(PaymentOperationBuilder(accountAId, Asset.NATIVE, "10").build())
transaction.sign(keyPairB, Network.TESTNET);
await sdk.submitTransaction(transaction);
// When you are done listening to that stream, for any reason, you may close/cancel the subscription.
// In this example we wait 5 seconds for the payment event.
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 5), () {});
// Now cancel the subscription.