SEP-0012 - KYCService
Helps clients to upload KYC (or other) information to anchors and other services in a standard way defined by SEP-0012: KYC API.
Create a KYCService instance
By providing the domain hosting the stellar.toml file
final kycService = await KYCService.fromDomain("");
This will automatically load and parse the stellar.toml file. It will then create the KYCService instance by using the kyc server url provided in the stellar.toml file. If no kyc server url is provided, than it will use the transfer server url to create the instance.
Or by providing the service url
Alternatively one can create a KYCService instance by providing the kyc service url directly via the constructor:
final kycService = KYCService("");
Get customer info
This endpoint (described here) allows clients to:
- Fetch the fields the server requires in order to register a new customer via a PUT /customer request or
- Check the status of a customer that may already be registered
With the flutter sdk you can use the getCustomerInfo
method of your KYCService
instance to get the info:
GetCustomerInfoRequest request = new GetCustomerInfoRequest();
request.jwt = jwtToken; // token received from stellar web auth - sep-0010 = customerId; // if customer already exists
GetCustomerInfoResponse response = await kycService.getCustomerInfo(request);
Upload customer info to an anchor
This endpoint (described here) allows clients to upload customer information to an anchor in an authenticated and idempotent fashion. With the flutter sdk you can use the putCustomerInfo
method of your KYCService
instance to upload the data:
NaturalPersonKYCFields kycFields = new NaturalPersonKYCFields();
kycFields.firstName = "John";
kycFields.lastName = "Doe";
kycFields.mobileNumber = "(718) 454-7453";
kycFields.photoIdBack = idBackImgData;
// ...
PutCustomerInfoRequest request = new PutCustomerInfoRequest();
request.jwt = jwtToken; // token received from stellar web auth - sep-0010
request.kycFields = kycFields;
PutCustomerInfoResponse response = await kycService.putCustomerInfo(request);
Customer verification
This endpoint (described here) allows servers to accept data values, usually confirmation codes, that verify a previously provided customer data field, such as mobile_number or email_address. With the flutter sdk you can use the putCustomerVerification
method of your KYCService
instance to send the data values:
PutCustomerVerificationRequest request = new PutCustomerVerificationRequest();
request.jwt = jwtToken; // token received from stellar web auth - sep-0010
Map<String, String> fields = {};
fields["id"] = customerId;
fields["mobile_number_verification"] = "2735021";
request.verificationFields = fields;
GetCustomerInfoResponse response = await kycService.putCustomerVerification(request);
Delete customer
This endpoint (described here) allows clients to delete all personal information that the anchor has stored about a given customer. With the flutter sdk you can use the deleteCustomer
method of your KYCService
instance to delete the data:
http.Response response = await kycService.deleteCustomer(accountId, null, null, jwtToken);
Customer callback url
This endpoint (described here) allows the wallet to provide a callback URL to the anchor. Whenever the user’s status field changes, the anchor will issue a POST request to the callback URL. With the flutter sdk you can use the putCustomerCallback
method of your KYCService
instance to set the callback url:
PutCustomerCallbackRequest request = PutCustomerCallbackRequest();
request.jwt = jwtToken; // token received from stellar web auth - sep-0010
request.url = "";
http.Response response = await kycService.putCustomerCallback(request);
Further readings
For more info, see also the class documentation of KYCService
and the sdk’s sep-0012 test cases.