
Stellar SDK for flutter - dart, Stellar, Horizon, Soneso

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SEP-0010 - Stellar Web Authentication

Stellar Web Authentication is described in SEP-0010. The SEP defines the standard way for clients such as wallets or exchanges to create authenticated web sessions on behalf of a user who holds a Stellar account. A wallet may want to authenticate with any web service which requires a Stellar account ownership verification, for example, to upload KYC information to an anchor in an authenticated way.

The following examples show how to use the flutter stellar sdk to create authenticated web sessions on behalf of a user who holds a Stellar account.

Create a WebAuth instance

by providing the domain hosting the stellar.toml file:

final webauth = await WebAuth.fromDomain("", Network.TESTNET);

Request the jwtToken

for the web session by providing the account id of the client/user and the signers of the client account to sign the challenge from the web auth server:

KeyPair clientKeyPair = KeyPair.fromSecretSeed(clientSecretSeed);
String jwtToken = await webAuth.jwtToken(clientKeyPair.accountId,[clientKeyPair]);

That is all you need to do. The method jwtToken will request the challenge from the web auth server, validate it, sign it on behalf of the user and send it back to the web auth server. The web auth server will than respond with the jwt token.

Client Attribution support

The flutter sdk also provides client attribution support. To use it, pass the client domain and the client domain account key pair for signing:

KeyPair clientKeyPair = KeyPair.fromSecretSeed(clientSecretSeed);
KeyPair clientDomainAccountKeyPair = KeyPair.fromSecretSeed(clientDomainAccountSecretSeed);
String jwtToken = await webAuth.jwtToken(clientKeyPair.accountId,[clientKeyPair],clientDomain:"", clientDomainAccountKeyPair: clientDomainAccountKeyPair);

Client Domain Signing Delegate

If you do not want to expose the client domain account keypair, you can alternatively provide a callback function (clientDomainSigningDelegate) that signs the challenge transaction with the client domain account.

String jwtToken = await webAuth.jwtToken(
        clientDomain: clientDomain,
        clientDomainSigningDelegate: (transactionXdr) async {
          final result = signTransaction(transactionXdr, [
          return result;

More examples

You can find more examples in the test cases.