
Stellar SDK for flutter - dart, Stellar, Horizon, Soneso

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Send a native (XLM) payment

In this example we will send a native payment (XLM - Stellar Lumens) from a sender stellar account to a destination stellar account.

// First create the sender key pair from the secret seed of the sender so we can use it later for signing.

// Next, we need the account id of the receiver so that we can use to as a destination of our payment. 

// Load sender's account data from the stellar network. It contains the current sequence number.
AccountResponse sender = await sdk.accounts.account(senderKeyPair.accountId);

// Build the transaction to send 100 XLM native payment from sender to destination
Transaction transaction = new TransactionBuilder(sender)
    .addOperation(PaymentOperationBuilder(destination,Asset.NATIVE, "100").build())

// Sign the transaction with the sender's key pair.
transaction.sign(senderKeyPair, Network.TESTNET);

// Submit the transaction to the stellar network.
SubmitTransactionResponse response = await sdk.submitTransaction(transaction);
if (response.success) {
  print("Payment sent");